
Well, I haven't been "home" in over a year. My kids have yet to see the ocean, put their toes in the sand or get bitten by sand fleas. That all changes this weekend!!

My mother-in-law had her birthday recently and while racking my brain for a gift (because it would make too much sense for her SON to think of a gift-hee hee) she gave me a "gimmie". She was talking to someone and said how she missed the beach [I didn't correct her and tell her the correct colloquialism is "shore" but since she's not a native, she wouldn't know that]. Viola! Birthday dilemma solved! AND....I get to go back to JERSEY BABY! I know some people hate it, can't wait to leave, etc. I'm not one of them.

My folks don't live there anymore so I don't go "home" much at all. They love living in South Carolina and don't miss Jersey but they've dealt with more crap than I hope to have to deal with (good luck with that) in Jersey so I guess my vision of New Jersey is much like that of a four year old thinking of Christmas. That'sok- I'll take it. I want my kids to enjoy the time we're in NJ and if my child-like enthusiasm is contagious....yippee!

I think my husband isn't sure how he's going to manage to get me back in the car on Sunday to come home. I'm not sure either. Maybe he'll lure me into the car with WaWa Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup ice cream. If you haven't had it, you must try it.

So I'm bringing a cooler (perhaps I should bring two) for pork roll, the above mentioned ice cream, as many shorties as I can fit and some Boost for good measure. I'd like to fit Boccolini's (aka Florence Deli), Rocco's, Acme and assorted other stores into my cooler but, alas they will not fit. I keep telling my kids about the pizza slices as big as their faces-I'll have to teach them how to do "the fold". My dreams are filled with cheese steak hoagies and pizza grease running down my arms. Mmmmmm. I'm hungry. Oh, and Gaetano's and Chippy Wings....but I don't think the Parker House is there anymore. :( *sniff

I think I'm going to make a list of all the neat things Jersey has that Pittsburgh doesn't that I miss. Maybe not, I'm sure it would take a good three months to show my kids the wonder of the Garden State. Stewarts and Diners and softball games on Friday night (actually I went on Wednesdays mostly).

I'm sure many of you think I'm cracker-jack crazy and have no idea what half of the things are that I've written about. Oh well. Maybe it'll inspire you to embrace the love of Jersey.

I had a good upbringing in Jersey-gots me a good edu-ma-cation, street smarts, and unparalleled driving ability. Friends that don't care if you tell them to "shut up" cause they know how to take it (no, it isn't an insult all the time) and they've probably just said it to you. Oh, and the smell....salt water and the Tullytown Dump. Mmmmm.....*hack ack...patooey* good times!

My poor husband....he's doomed. I'll have to think of something nice to do for him for putting up with me this weekend. ;)

Talk to yous guys later!


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