Can I substitute olive oil in recipes?

In a word, yes. By now surely most of you have heard of all the health benefits of olive oil. It has gained popularity in many of our dinner recipes. Rich in Omega 9 fatty acids, which are mono unsaturated and containing the proper ratio of Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids which are necessary for heart health, olive oil is a great replacement for butter in most of your baking recipes.

What about our desserts? Let's face it, as healthy as we are (or want to be), are we really willing to give up baked goods? I'm certainly not! But with modification and in moderation, you can even bring a bit of healthy fats into your baked desserts.

So let's compare butter to olive oil, shall we. All oils are 100 percent fat, and all oils contain 14 grams of fat and 120 calories per tablespoon. Ok, they're on an even playing field right now, but here is where the differences begin. Olive oil contains more mono unsaturated fat (77 percent) than any other fat or oil. It also has only 2 grams of saturated fat and 0 cholesterol. Butter contains 8grams of saturated fat and 33 grams of cholesterol. How about that?

One word of caution: while it is fine to substitute olive oil in place of butter in most of your baking recipes, it really is not recommended where the flavor of butter is crucial to the end result-cookies and pound cake being two prime examples. Here's a recipe to start you off and I recommended highly her blog for all things gastronomical here.

So, go ahead, leave the butter in the butter dish and try olive oil. Your heart will thank you and your taste buds won't know the difference.


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